In 1981, Steven L. Gibbs, a farmer from Clearwater, Neb., received an interesting message – from himself. But this Steven L. Gibbs, he claims, was from another dimension and he had a diagram for a time machine called the Sonic Resonator.
After building and testing the device, Gibbs, who now lives in Lyndon, Kan., renamed the improved device the Hyper Dimensional Resonator and began selling them.
Patricia Griffin Ress, author of the book “Dangerous Information: The Further Time-Travel Experiments/Studies of Steven L. Gibbs,” met Gibbs in 1989.
“I happened to meet someone who says, ‘you should contact this guy,’” she said. She did, and invited Gibbs to bring his device to her home in Omaha. What she experienced made her a believer.
“I interviewed Steve and he demonstrated the HDR,” she said. Strange clouds formed in the room when Gibbs turned on the HDR and sparks danced around the chandelier.
No one time traveled, but something life altering happened to her that night. She later caught her favorite movie, “Shane,” on TV, but it wasn’t the same movie she’d seen dozens of times. Dialogue she’d memorized was altered or spoken by different characters. It was the same movie, but it wasn’t.
“I have heard of movies filmed with two different endings, but I’ve never heard that before,” she said. “It scared me to death. If you ask me to see the movie ‘Shane,’ I’d say no thanks.”
She believes that night Gibb’s HDR unit somehow altered the past … and the present.
Testimonials from HDR users include trips from the 1850s, to sometime around 2012. Some “travelers” have claimed to return with objects from the past, but the objects have a short shelf life.
“If you have something from a different time frame, it disintegrates,” Ress said. Gibbs’ device also presents potential time travelers with other problems.
“You have to have good intentions. If you were going to rob a bank and use it to get out of a bank, it wouldn’t work,” Ress said. “It would never work for that.”
That’s because Gibbs claims his HDR units work only with faith in God.
“These coils,” Gibbs writes in his catalog, “are specifically designed to pick-up and amplify soul-induced white light energy.”
In 1997, Gibbs appeared on Art Bell’s paranormal radio program ‘Coast to Coast AM’ and spelled it out to an international audience.
“Since the device, the way I believe, is tuned into the creator … only the people who have pure intentions can use the device,” Gibbs told Bell. “It takes your soul energy … and steps it up through the diode circuit.”
People using the HDR have reported going a few years into the future/past, being transported to Venezuela, dropped onboard a UFO, and have been thrown into a parallel dimension, Ress said. But the most troubling time traveler report, Ress said, is about a problem at the year 2012, the end date for the Mayan calendar.
“They say right around 2012 it’s like a brick wall,” Ress said.
Although Ress hasn’t witnessed anyone time traveling, she is convinced Steven’s story is real.
“You have a guy who in every way is an average farmer, now all of a sudden there’s this average farmer studying quantum physics,” she said. “This has all been very fascinating. I’ve reported on it and Steve asked me to write a book so he’d have something to sell when he’s on TV.”
Steven Gibbs’ Web site, where you can check out his HDR unit, is
You gotta have faith.
Copyright 2008 by Jason Offutt
Got a scary story? Ever played with a Ouija board, heard voices, seen a ghost, UFO or a creature you couldn’t identify? Let Jason know about it: Jason Offutt c/o The Examiner, 410 S. Liberty, Independence, Mo. 64050, or Include your name, address and telephone number. Your story might make an upcoming installment of “From the Shadows.”
Jason’s book of ghost stories, “Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to Missouri’s Most Spirited Spots,” is here. Order online at:,, or visit Jason’s Web site at
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Lights in the Woods: Part 2

Author’s note: This is the second part of a two-part series on Missouri deer hunter Chris Black's encounter with an unseen force
Chris Black was camping on his property last deer season when he invited something unseen to share his campfire. It did. And, after a night of terror, Chris thinks it followed him home.
“I have some unreal activity going on around me,” Chris said. “Doors move when I walk past. Not just at home, but everywhere; at work, home, Wal-Mart. I see it everywhere. I almost feel like something is following me.”
Chris said his invitation, “if anyone wants to come join me by the fire, you’re more than welcome,” seemed to bring something to him as if he had used a Ouija board – something Chris has always been too cautious to use.
“I’ve seen them (Ouija) but I’ve never touched them. I’ve never messed with them,” he said. “I’m scared to death to touch one. I didn’t want to invite something in my house you can’t get rid of.”
Chris’s campsite visitor is just that – something he can’t get rid of.
He first felt the visitor in November 2006 and doors around him began moving on their own soon after.
“It’s kind of like (the door) follows me when the door’s already open,” he said. “It doesn’t just move one way; it’ll move about four inches when I walk by it either way. It’s almost like something’s pulling it to me when I walk to it and pushes it away when I go past.”
Chris first started noticing this phenomenon at his home in February or March.
“When you first go in the house there’s a metal door, and the next door is a wooden door. It moves every time I walk past it,” he said. “My bedroom door is a wooden door. It’s never done it before but it moves now every time I go past it.”
At first, Chris tried to find a terrestrial explanation for the moving doors ¬– movement of air, the doors weren’t level, even the building shifting.
“I’ve even thought the weight of my body might shift it a little bit, but it happens to doors set on concrete floors,” he said. “I’m trying to debunk this thing anyway I can but I don’t understand. Do I have something following me around that I can’t see and nobody else can see? This is really, really weird crap.”
And it’s not just Chris who sees the doors move. Family members and coworkers have all seen it occur.
“I’ve even had my dad watch and witness it and a guy at work,” Chris said. “There’s a door to the break room going to the outside area where we smoke. He was right behind me. We walked by the entry door and I heard a creak and the door moved six inches.”
Chris asked his coworker if he’d seen the door move; he hadn’t.
“Then I backed up and went through it again and he said, ‘that’s some weird (stuff),’” Chris said. “There’s weird crap that happens to me all the time it’s almost like things happen so often that I don’t pay attention to it anymore.”
So far, Chris hasn’t experienced anything negative from his visitor, but is worried the occurrences will escalate to something unpleasant.
“I really haven’t noticed anything angry or malevolent,” Chris said. “It hasn’t caused any harm like that to me. It’s just something weird that happens and it’s happening more and more.”
Copyright 2008 by Jason Offutt
Got a scary story? Ever played with a Ouija board, heard voices, seen a ghost, UFO or a creature you couldn’t identify? Let Jason know about it: Jason Offutt c/o The Examiner, 410 S. Liberty, Independence, Mo. 64050, or Your story might make an upcoming installment of “From the Shadows.”
Jason's book of ghost stories, “Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to Missouri's Most Spirited Spots,” is here. Order online at:,, or visit Jason’s Web site at
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Lights in the Woods

Author’s note: This is the first part of a two-part series on Missouri deer hunter Chris Black's encounter with an unseen force.
Dead leaves covered the forest floor. Young firs fought for sunlight among the tall, straight trees of Southeast Missouri. A small camper sat beside wood stacked for a campfire. Chris Black, of Park Hills, Mo., rustled through the leaves on his property setting up a digital camera to capture photographs of deer; the next day was deer season.
Chris usually slept in the camper during deer and turkey season, and did again on Nov. 19, 2006. But the eve of this deer season was different.
“Something kind of weird happened on my property,” Chris said.
Chris set up the motion-activated camera at 2 p.m. – according to the time-stamped photo with Chris’s head in the foreground – and spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for the first day of hunting season.
“I was down there by myself,” he said. “I’d sit by the fire and drink and one particular night, I got fairly (drunk), but I was sure of what was going on. I had a pretty big rip-roaring fire. As I sat there by the fire, I felt there was something else there. I remember feeling something there.”
As Chris sat before the fire drinking beer, he said into the night, “If anyone wants to come join me by the fire, you’re more than welcome.” He thinks something took him up on his offer.
“Maybe that night at the property, I wonder if I didn’t invite something,” he said. “I just kinda got mesmerized by the fire. That’s when I felt something there.”
After a time, Chris put out the fire and went to bed. But the feeling of his visitor grew unnerving.
“The door to the camper can only be locked on the inside,” Chris said. “I woke up at 3 or 4 in the morning and the door wouldn’t open like it was locked. It was stuck hard. I kicked on it, I beat on it, I couldn’t get it open. I started to panic.”
Chris thought the door had been barred from the outside.
“It was a camper door and I should have been able to kick right through it,” he said.
Thinking someone was outside, he grabbed his shotgun and yelled a warning that he was going to shoot at the door.
“It would not budge,” Chris said. “I shot a hole completely through where the lock is and the door still wouldn’t open. After I shot about half a dozen holes in the door I kicked the handle through the door and then I hit it with my shoulder and it came open. There was absolutely no way it would have been locked.”
No one was outside the camper, nor was there evidence the camper door had been barred. The rest of the night was quiet, but this wasn’t the last strange encounter he’d have relating to that property or that deer season. The trail camera had captured something anomalous.
The motion-activated camera had shot a picture of a deer, but it also captured two lights that should not have been in the woods, far away from roads.
“One of them, the round one, you can tell it’s moving straight up from the ground,” he said. “It’s round and I swear it almost looks like you can make out a face in it. The other one in the upper right hand corner is moving from right to left in an upward angle. It looks like a star shape. You can see edges on it.”
These strange lights corresponded with his visitor … and his panic in the camper.
“I’ve seen stuff I haven’t been able to explain and I know there’s not an explanation. I know there’s things out there.”
Next week: something follows Chris home.
Copyright 2008 by Jason Offutt
Got a scary story? Ever played with a Ouija board, heard voices, seen a ghost, UFO or a creature you couldn’t identify? Let Jason know about it: Jason Offutt c/o The Examiner, 410 S. Liberty, Independence, Mo. 64050, or Include your name, address and telephone number. Your story might make an upcoming installment of “From the Shadows.”
Jason's book of ghost stories, “Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to Missouri's Most Spirited Spots,” is here. Order online at:,, or visit Jason’s Web site at
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Alien Encounters in South Missouri
Eighteen-year-old Ralph Carnahan was sitting on his family’s porch in the southeast Missouri town of Zalma at about 9 p.m. May 7, talking to his girlfriend on the telephone, when he saw strange lights.
“In front of me was a pair of bright lights in the sky; one light was red and one was white,” he said. “The other pair off to my side, both were white.”
He called his mother and her boyfriend outside. They didn’t think the lights were out of the ordinary, so they went back in the house. Ralph didn’t; he waited and the lights moved closer.
“The pair that was in front of me started hovering real slow and there’s a tree in my front yard, it hovered around that tree,” he said. Then the light moved off – but it left something behind. “There’s a street light down the road and it glared on the tree. I looked up and there was something in that tree.”
Ralph saw a brownish-green creature with “real big eyes” sitting in the tree. He ran to the house and called his mother and her boyfriend outside again.
“They came out and we tried to see what it was, but when we got close to it, I could see that (thing) started blending in with the tree,” he said. “My mom didn’t see it, so after a minute they went back in.”
Ralph walked to the porch where his mother’s dog was tied; the dog soon started growling toward a bridge over a nearby creek.
“I looked down by the Huzzah Creek by the bridge and there was a green spaceship not real big hovering as high as the street light, you could barely see it,” he said. “I walked down to the bridge and checked it out. You could see it hovering backwards into the dark, so I turned around and … ran to my house.”
From the front porch, Ralph resumed talking to his girlfriend on the telephone. He told her everything he was seeing.
“The alien in the tree was just staring straight at me, so my girlfriend said, ‘throw a rock at it or poke it with a stick,’” he said. “But I was on a phone with a cord and couldn’t go very far with it, so I grabbed this coffee cup on the porch and threw it at it.”
He missed the thing in the tree, but his action caused it to move.
“I could hear the grass go down like something jumped on it,” he said. “So I told my girlfriend that I’m going inside.”
He went inside around 11 p.m. At 12:30 a.m., things in the house started to move; a table cloth, a radio, a piggy bank and sandals slowly shifted as if they were being inspected by a curious child. Ralph was convinced aliens were in his house.
“I knew it was aliens,” he said. “But they were transparent; I could barely see them.”
At about 5 a.m., Ralph decided he didn’t want to be alone.
“A tall alien was looking through the glass on the top of the door,” Ralph said. “It was staring hard. It didn’t have huge eyes and it was red with black markings on its face. He was scary.”
Ralph woke his 16-year-old sister, “and I told her, ‘look at the alien in the window,’” he said. “She started crying and ran into my mom’s room.”
At dawn, Ralph said the creatures disappeared.
“Mom didn’t see them,” he said. “She doesn’t believe me or my sister, but I know different. They are out there and real. I’m not scared of anything, but now it’s hard for me to go outside at night.
“It ain’t no joke,” Ralph said. “Aliens exist, 100 percent.”
Copyright 2008 by Jason Offutt
Got a scary story? Ever played with a Ouija board, heard voices, seen a ghost, UFO or a creature you couldn’t identify? Let Jason know about it: Jason Offutt c/o The Examiner, 410 S. Liberty, Independence, Mo. 64050, or Your story might make an upcoming installment of “From the Shadows.”
Jason’s book of ghost stories, “Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to Missouri’s Most Spirited Spots,” is here. Order online at: or visit Jason’s Web site at
“In front of me was a pair of bright lights in the sky; one light was red and one was white,” he said. “The other pair off to my side, both were white.”
He called his mother and her boyfriend outside. They didn’t think the lights were out of the ordinary, so they went back in the house. Ralph didn’t; he waited and the lights moved closer.
“The pair that was in front of me started hovering real slow and there’s a tree in my front yard, it hovered around that tree,” he said. Then the light moved off – but it left something behind. “There’s a street light down the road and it glared on the tree. I looked up and there was something in that tree.”
Ralph saw a brownish-green creature with “real big eyes” sitting in the tree. He ran to the house and called his mother and her boyfriend outside again.
“They came out and we tried to see what it was, but when we got close to it, I could see that (thing) started blending in with the tree,” he said. “My mom didn’t see it, so after a minute they went back in.”
Ralph walked to the porch where his mother’s dog was tied; the dog soon started growling toward a bridge over a nearby creek.
“I looked down by the Huzzah Creek by the bridge and there was a green spaceship not real big hovering as high as the street light, you could barely see it,” he said. “I walked down to the bridge and checked it out. You could see it hovering backwards into the dark, so I turned around and … ran to my house.”
From the front porch, Ralph resumed talking to his girlfriend on the telephone. He told her everything he was seeing.
“The alien in the tree was just staring straight at me, so my girlfriend said, ‘throw a rock at it or poke it with a stick,’” he said. “But I was on a phone with a cord and couldn’t go very far with it, so I grabbed this coffee cup on the porch and threw it at it.”
He missed the thing in the tree, but his action caused it to move.
“I could hear the grass go down like something jumped on it,” he said. “So I told my girlfriend that I’m going inside.”
He went inside around 11 p.m. At 12:30 a.m., things in the house started to move; a table cloth, a radio, a piggy bank and sandals slowly shifted as if they were being inspected by a curious child. Ralph was convinced aliens were in his house.
“I knew it was aliens,” he said. “But they were transparent; I could barely see them.”
At about 5 a.m., Ralph decided he didn’t want to be alone.
“A tall alien was looking through the glass on the top of the door,” Ralph said. “It was staring hard. It didn’t have huge eyes and it was red with black markings on its face. He was scary.”
Ralph woke his 16-year-old sister, “and I told her, ‘look at the alien in the window,’” he said. “She started crying and ran into my mom’s room.”
At dawn, Ralph said the creatures disappeared.
“Mom didn’t see them,” he said. “She doesn’t believe me or my sister, but I know different. They are out there and real. I’m not scared of anything, but now it’s hard for me to go outside at night.
“It ain’t no joke,” Ralph said. “Aliens exist, 100 percent.”
Copyright 2008 by Jason Offutt
Got a scary story? Ever played with a Ouija board, heard voices, seen a ghost, UFO or a creature you couldn’t identify? Let Jason know about it: Jason Offutt c/o The Examiner, 410 S. Liberty, Independence, Mo. 64050, or Your story might make an upcoming installment of “From the Shadows.”
Jason’s book of ghost stories, “Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to Missouri’s Most Spirited Spots,” is here. Order online at: or visit Jason’s Web site at
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