Author’s note: This is the first in a two-part series on Missourian Bob White and his battle to prove that, yes, the truth is out there.
Bob White saw something strange in 1985.
He can explain it – and often does – but people don’t believe him. That is something he can’t explain.
The 75-year-old Reeds Spring, Mo., man (76 in March) was driving through Colorado with a friend around 2 a.m. when they saw a light on the roadside near the Colorado/Utah border. The light, White said, shouldn’t have been there.
“It was a huge light on the ground,” White said. “The light I saw was the size of a three-story building.”
White sat in the passenger seat and watched as his friend slowed the car.
“She was scared,” he said.
White’s friend turned off the car’s engine and headlights.
“We coasted as close to this item as we could,” he said. “She didn’t want to stop but we did.”
They sat in the car, looking at the bright light when White’s friend turned on the headlights.
“Then the thing shot up in the sky,” White said.
The light merged with other lights hovering in the sky above them.
“Two tubular neon lights with a blue light in between,” White said. “The other light shot across the sky and disappeared in seconds. I know we don’t have anything that moves that fast or that silently.”
White and his friend watched the lights streak across the sky, then another light – small and orange – broke free and fell to earth close to them.
“This thing was ejected from it,” White said, claiming the object was intelligently dropped. “If this thing had just fallen it would have shot miles from me.”
White and his friend watched the orange light shoot through the Colorado night and land near their car. It hit the ground over a hill, leaving a furrow that took him to an object he says is from the stars.
“When it landed, I followed the groove in the ground,” he said. “It came down at an angle and kind of skimmed the hillside. When I came across it, it was still glowing.”
White said he had to take the object with him.
“I walked back to the car and opened the trunk to see if there was anything I could pick it up with,” he said. He found a leather glove – that was it. Twenty minutes later, he made it back to the crash site.
“I walked back there and dropped the glove on it and picked it up,” he said. The thing had lost its glow, so White brushed the back of his hand across it. It was cool. “This thing heats and cools rapidly.”
He picked up the object – metallic, about 7 1/2 inches long resembling petrified wood – and took it back to the car.
“This thing came down out of the sky,” White said. “It was … glowing like it was on fire. I know they’re out there. There’s no doubt in my mind it wasn’t anything of this earth. It couldn’t be.”
Next week: White begins his quest to prove the object was made by extraterrestrials.
Copyright 2007 by Jason Offutt
Got a scary story? Ever played with a Ouija board, heard voices, seen a ghost, UFO or a creature you couldn’t identify? Let Jason know about it: Jason Offutt c/o The Examiner, 410 S. Liberty, Independence, Mo. 64050, or jasonoffutt@hotmail.com. Include your name, address and telephone number. Your story might make an upcoming installment of “From the Shadows.”
Jason Offutt is a syndicated columnist, author, college journalism instructor, and fan of all things Fortean. His book of ghost stories, “Haunted Missouri: A Ghostly Guide to Missouri's Most Spirited Spots,” is coming in May. Order yours now! FREE SHIPPING when you order online at: https://tsup.truman.edu/store/ViewBook.aspx?Book=849
are there any pics yet of the object. very interesting story and would like to hear more.
why post wiyhout pic?
Thanks for your comment and visit, your post kind of reminds me of that movie I saw years ago, Fire in the Sky--that was a weird one.
Interesting story thus far. I'll certainly be looking out for part II.
you can view this object at this link..
all the testings that have been done are there..
Thanks for article!
Thanks for interesting article.
Glad to read articles like this. Thanks to author!
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